Irish Book Award NewComer Winner Conquered Panic Attack by BWRT® Therapy

09/05/2017 05:04


EM Reapy, Newcomer of the Year at the Irish Book Awards winner, a talented writer, also suffering from Panic Disorder, having great difficuties in public to share her work with others and also for the ceremony, which means a lot for her, as a reward of her work.

Through family friend, she got introduced to the latest psychotherapy: Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT® Therapy), a new therapy where you create a different neural pathway response to a phobia. After  4 sessions, she is now able to express herself with ease throughout in public events.

She also mentioned that: I went for a session and immediately knew things had been alleviated.

Congratulations to the Award WInner! 

And Congratulations to the New Life Panic Free!!

#BWRT HK & ASIA #BWRT #PanicAttack #SocialAnxiety #Phobias
#BWRT治療法 #恐慌症 #社交恐懼症 #恐懼症

Irish Times 5/8/2017 News Link: