Albert Ellis ,理性情緒行為治療法(Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy,簡稱REBT ) 的創始人說,人們對誘發事件(activating events,A),所持有的不合理的信念(beliefs,B),是導致情緒和行為問題結果(consequences,C)的主要原因。(ABC理論)
"I must do well and win the approval of others for my performances, otherwise I'm no good and I'm worthless."
People must treat me fairly, kindly and considerately in exactly the way I want them to. If they don't, I have a licence to condemn them, and consider them to be worthless.
I must get what I want. I must get it when I want it. I mustn't get something I didn't want. If I can't get what I want then it's a terrible, unbearable thing.
#心理治療 #心理師 #身心靈療癒 #自我關懷 #靜心 #正念 #mindfulness #selfcompassion #與你同行 #正能量 #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #quotes #健康生活 #自我照顧 #非理性思维 #理性情緒行為療法 #REBT